The links and information on this page are to assist people interested in becoming a Meet Official and in assisting current Meet Officials in carrying out their duties and responsibilities

2022 Officials Training

Sample CSL Cert Test  

CSL Meet Rules

Certification Requirements (2022 Update)

USA Swimming referee pre-meet briefing

Webpage on CSL site will have the most up to date info. click here

Meet Officials:  Referee,  Starter,  Stroke and Turn Judges  (the White Shirts)

Meet Officials are required to complete a USA Swimming course, pass an open-book test, and shadow experienced officials at meets.  Parents interested in becoming Meet Officials should contact a team board member for upcoming training dates or check the calendar on the website.

  • You must spend at least one season as a Starter before becoming certified as a Referee. You must spend at least one season as S&T Judge before being certified as a Starter.

The Referee is in charge of the overall conduct of the meet, including having final say on any disqualification.  You will hear them blow the whistle to signal the swimmers.

The Starter announces the name of each heat and starts each heat with the signaling device.  The Referee and Starter together determine if there is a false start requiring a restart.

Stroke and Turn Judges observe the swimmers in each heat to verify strokes and turns are performed correctly, and identify violations to disqualify swimmers for that heat.


PVS OFFICIALS If you are certified with a USA Swimming organization, like Potomac Valley Swimming (PVS), CSL accepts your certification at the equivalent level (Stroke and Turn, Starter, or Referee) over the period of time specified by PVS. You should let our  Team Rep, Theresa Poquis (email) know,  in order to verify your certification and place your name on the roster of CSL Meet Officials.